Friday, April 27, 2007

East Coast Mekong Vernacular


Let us find refuge in
Unabashed love;

The crescent blade
Tucked against your waist
Held like an organ for self flight;

My sac of collected mango pits
I plant for redemption but never sprout
Fruit in this land of many winters;

Let us pawn them all in for;

Tears and honey,
Hummingbirds and misfortune,
Naga and lock gates,

So we may one day burrow our hands so
Deep into a furious hive of dashes and discomfort

That we are fortunate enough
To understand what hold

The spirit is not war and calls to home,

But a monsoon of poetry & weeps
That fastens the mouth

Sweet like Mekong vernacular
Sticky with the weight of America's

Orange blossom.

1 comment:

naga said...

i do love this poem immediately. i think that again it's the powerful imagery. it's so lush.

the mango pits and the crescent blade at the waist - this is somehow v sexual to me (intended?)

but then you want to pawn that all away...

something happens near the end that i'm not sure about. do let me see the revisions.
